All articles and information presented on this website are Copyrighted © 1994 - 2002 and may not be copied without written permission from the author. If a specific author is not designated on an article - the article is a product of this website and written permission can be obtained from Ahmılan Impressions, Incorporated . Unless otherwise notated, all articles are written and are the expressed opinion of the sole owner and maintainer of this site: Ahmılan Impressions, Incorporated. Data obtained for this site is collected through several years of breeder polls, interviews, articles, and reader criticisms. All information and hyperlinks contained within these pages are provided for the sole purpose of convenience to the viewer. Any information shown or linked to may or may not be 100% accurate and the author of the site is not liable and does not guarantee any article as being as such. All data on this site is maintained and kept up-to-date on a monthly basis at minimum. The owner of this site is not a breeder, exhibitor, or Bullmastiff Club member. The owner of this site does attempt to portray an unbiased image of the Bullmastiff and all of the circumstances associated with the Bullmastiff breed. All decisions to purchase a Bullmastiff from a specific Bullmastiff Breeder, Bullmastiff Club, Bullmastiff Registry, or Bullmastiff Website is the sole responsibility of the Bullmastiff purchaser(s). The final decision and responsibility lies in the Bullmastiff purchaser and only the Bullmastiff purchaser(s). The above Copyright and Disclaimer applies to all individual webpages existing within the BullmastiffInfo.org website in addition to the following Disclaimers and Notices for specific webpages contained within this website. The author of this site is not liable and does not guarantee the true quality or health of any individual Bullmastiff or any other dog represented on this webpage. The author of this site is not liable and does not guarantee the true legitimacy of any Rescue Organization or Rescue Individual represented on this webpage. All viewers are urged to contact the Rescue Organization and/or Rescue Individual directly for the most current and accurate information of any Bullmastiff or any other dog represented on this webpage. Currently, there are no requirements to be met in order to be listed on this webpage outside of being associated with rescuing Bullmastiffs or surrendering a Bullmastiff. If a viewer would like to file a complaint against any of the Rescue Groups or Rescue Individual listed on this webpage, please report your claim to us . Pending the severely and validity of the complaint, a Rescue Group or Rescue Individual could be removed permanently from the webpage. All individual claims will be kept confidential, but all viewers are urged to file their complaint with the appropriate animal control authority in their area. If a Bullmastiff Rescue Group would like to have their contact information added to the site, please send your hyperlink information to us . We will be glad to link to your website only if you provide a courtesy link back to us from the website that we link directly to. All Bullmastiff Rescue Individuals throughout the world are welcome to add their Rescued Bullmastiff for placement to the site so long as room exists. In order to have your Rescued Bullmastiff listed go to the Post A Rescue form. A contingency of posting your Rescued Bullmastiff on this site is to please notify us as soon as possible when he/she is placed in their new home. There is limited space, therefore, room will be made for the next person as soon as it comes available. Please be courteous! Abuse of this privilege will result in being banned from posting on this site again! Owner Surrenders Section - Owners looking to place their Bullmastiff or Bullmastiff Mix in another home on their own may post a paid advertisement on the Owner Surrender section. Any owner wishing to use this page will be charged a submission fee of $10.00 (U.S.D.) per month, per Bullmastiff listed (in check or money order made payable to Ahmılan Impressions, Incorporated - NO CASH PLEASE) and is dependent on the available webspace. All dogs listed on this page must have proof of spay/neuter, current vaccinations record, and payment mailed to me in advance to: Ahmılan Impressions, Inc. c/o Bullmastiff Rescue, P.O. Box 4755, Fort Walton Beach, FL , 32549-4755. Upon receipt of your paperwork and payment, your listing will get posted. All payments will go towards the cost of hosting and maintaining this website. If no webspace is available, then your posting will not be listing and you will not be charged. The author of this site is not liable and does not guarantee the true quality or health of any individual Bullmastiff, Bullmastiff Mix, or any other dog represented on this webpage. Potential Adopters - please be sure to check carefully with the current owners to find out as much as you can about the dog before adopting him/her. Surrendering Owners - please be sure to screen inquiring homes carefully to find the best placement for your pet.
Rights Reserved. Copyright 1994 - 2001 BullmastiffInfo.org